Sunday, May 19, 2013


Three winners have been drawn for a autographed copy of Twice Promised. Drum roll....Bonnie, Nancy and Vickie. I'll notify you by email for your physical address.

What a joy it was to read everyone's post and while I couldn't answer each one, I read them all and want to thank you for your heartfelt response about your mothers. I say we celebrate them every day, don't you think?

The last book in the series will debut in the fall with Perfectly Matched. I'm very excited about this title and if you're an dog or animal lover it's sure to please with a little laughter as Anna tries to handle being a new bride and protect abandoned animals. I'll be holding another giveaway in the fall, so stay tuned. In the meantime the book can be pre-ordered.

Pre-order your copy here:

Perfectly Matched

I'm working on my new series Virtues and Vices of the Old West currently and enjoying the research.
Thank you for participating! I wish I could give all of you a copy. I hope your Mother's Day was special.

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